
09.tba // Den Haag, NL

09.tba.24 // Den Haag, NL

08.tba.24 // Rīga, LV

08.tba.24  // Utrecht, NL

07.08-08.02.24 // a research residency — Nouveau Grand Tour — NIAS, Amsterdam, NL +

07.05.24 //  a talk about the project Für Simon Jonassohn Stein for Orgelpark — Digits and Sounds, a symposium celebrating Clarence Barlow — ligeti zentrum, Hamburg, DE +

05.29.24 // performing (piano) for siblings (tempered) with Clara de Asís (guitar) and Edgars Rubenis (guitar) — a special house— Le Crotoy, FR  

05.19.24 // performing (piano) for siblings (tempered) with Clara de Asís (guitar), En Abyme by Melaine Dalibert, and ida for amy by Michael Winter — Studio Loos — Den Haag, NL  +

03.11.24 // a talk about the project Für Simon Jonassohn Stein for Orgelpark — Université Paris 8, Paris, FR 

02.02.24 // proposing a version/arrangement of Clarence Barlow's organ piece Für Simon Jonassohn Stein for Orgelpark / performing (electronics) shade/gradient by Catherine Lamb with Elisabeth Smalt (viola)  — Echonance Festival — Orgelpark, Amsterdam, NL +

01.12.24 // a colloquium — Institute of Sonology, Royal Conservatory of the Hague, Den Haag, NL

12.01.23  // for experiencers (modelo62) — 20 years Modelo62 celebration festival — Paleiskerk, Den Haag, NL +

11.15.23 // a mixtape — LYL radio +

11.02.23  //  for siblings (tempered) — Sound Art festival — Zaal 3, Den Haag, NL + +

10.08.23 // a talk about Clarence Barlow & Michael Winter's guitar works and performer (text) for counterfeiting in colonial connecticut by Michael Winter along with Elliot Simpson — riverrun festival — GMEA, Albi, FR +

10.07.23 // for experiencers (modelo62) —riverrun festival — GMEA, Albi, FR +

09.16.23 // for siblings (tempered) and performer (piano) for ida for amy by michael winter and Page One by/with liisa hirsch— Ģertrūdes Street Theatre, Rīga, LV +

09.14.23 // a talk on 'approximation pieces'— Jāzeps Vītols Academy of Music, Rīga, LV +

09.12.23 // for edgars — Pegaza pagalms, Liepajā, LV, ±

09.09.23 // for siblings (tempered) — Aleponija, Rīga, LV ±

06.24.23 // untitled electronic study — Mini Festival de Musique électroacoustique — acousmonimum Médiathèque Marguerite Duras— Paris, FR 

06.17.23 // performer (electronics) for Guzmán Calzada Llorente's Strands of Polyphony #2 during Festival Dag in de Branding Den Haag, NL +

05.20.23 //  electronic pieces — default dh— Grey Space in the Middle, Den Haag, NL +

05.09.23 //  electronic pieces — IV7 — Les Ateliers Claus Brussels, BE +

02.22.23 // 'approximation' pieces — B-circle discussion — Berlin, DE

01.20.23 // pre-/peri-/post-graduation meanderings — colloquium, Institute of Sonology, Royal Conservatory of the Hague, Den Haag, NL

12.07.22 // untitled electronic study — PAS Berlin, Berlin, DE +

09.29.22 // 1-hour set for the Ambient listening sessions — St. Aloysiuskerk, Utrecht, NL  +

09.27.22 // once racing ceased... — TO listen TO festival, Torino, IT +

08.06.22 // for experiencers — GMEA, Albi, FR +

06.21.22 // for edgars and  for blandine & maciej — graduation concert, Royal Conservatory of the Hague, Den Haag, NL +

04.07.22 // performer (electronics) for Martin Hurych's Takeaway#3: Four shifts during Sounding the Spui/Rewire Festival, Den Haag, NL 

03.30.22 // for blandine & maciej — Royal Conservatory of the Hague, Den Haag, NL

02.09&12.22 // improvising (percussions) with the Sonology Electroacoustic Ensemble — Royal Conservatory of the Hague, Den Haag, NL

12.08.21 // improvising (percussions) with the Sonology Electroacoustic Ensemble — Royal Conservatory of the Hague, Den Haag, NL

10.09.21 // for edgars — Studio Loos, Den Haag, NL +

10.03.21 // for ábel  Het Hem, Amsterdam, NL +

09.02.21 //  for ábel  Royal Conservatory of the Hague, Den Haag, NL

08.22.21 //  36 forms (1024) for Opus #1 workshop — Abbaye de Royaumont, FR +

01.21.21 // autoportrait en compositrice en devenir — Radio Aligre, FR +/listen  

02.15.20 // untitled collaboration with tony guarino — OCCII, Amsterdam, NL +

11.30.19 // untitled drone live set — Annastate, Den Haag, NL  + 

11.09.19 // untitled minatiures for two organs — Orgelpark, Amsterdam, NL +

11.07.19 // once racing ceased... Sonix — Brno, CZ   +

10.30.19 // once racing ceased...  Festival Multiphonies INA-GRM — Auditorium Saint Germain, Paris, FR + + +

07.10.19 // untitled live set for Vrooom, Rotterdam, NL  +

06.28.19 // jidhe & others, Grey Space in the Middle, Den Haag, NL  

06.07.19 // once racing ceased.. for next_generation09 Festival — ZKM, Karlsruhe, DE +

09.13.17 //  jidhe — 4bid gallery, OT301, Amsterdam, NL  

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